In the privacy of my closet, I opened the envelope. There were a couple of papers in there and a check. Of course, money was involved. a check written for one hundred thousand, and a title deed to a new townhouse in the highbrow area.
It was in my husband’s name, and it was a recently purchased property. Who had he bought this for? We had two houses, and we were currently living in the bigger one. The other ones were in different cities. This didn’t seem to be a rental property. It seemed like a private property. I knew my husband too well, probably had a mistress somewhere, and there was only one way to find out. I called the office, and his personal assistant answered immediately on the second ring.
“Good morning Mama”, she greeted.
“Good morning Linda, how are you?”
“ I’m good thank you,” she responded on the other end of the phone.
Linda had been working with my husband for more than five years. She was a young girl who had finished college early and was competent. I didn’t trust her enough around my husband, but she never fell into any of the traps I had set for her. I trusted her ninety percent and left the other ten percent to chance. Maybe I’ll catch them one day. You never know.
“I have a question to ask you, my dear.” I began.