Photo by Jennifer Enujiugha


Everything is temporary.

Lola Os
4 min readApr 22, 2022




The dolls were on the floor. Chanel picked up the doll with long, black hair and brushed it. She had a tea party with her seven dolls on the carpet. The mad was in the kitchen making dinner. Esther was her assigned maid who took care of her daily needs. Her father was in the office down the hallway. Chanel was an only child. She enjoyed her own company and was used to playing with dolls by herself. Occasionally, her cousins would come over and spend time with her. They would go swimming, in the pool outside, supervised by an adult or two. They would play hide and seek in the huge garden in the backyard. Chanel put one of the dolls to sit in the chair.

Two men walked into the room with her father. One wore a white shirt and black trousers, he has on sunglasses. The other had brown slacks on and a black shirt. Chanel got up and hid behind the pillars in the room. There was a purple curtain with gold rails and ties close to one of the pillars. She slipped behind the curtains before any of them could see her. The man with the black shirt brought out a gun. Her father had a look of fear in his face.

“Face the wall and say your last prayers,” the man with the black shirt growled. Her father obeyed without any resistance. He pulled the…



Lola Os

Author, Blogger, Slayer of Giants, Global Citizen of the Internet.